Low self-esteem refers to how you feel about yourself and affects more people than you think. Characterised by a lack of confidence and feeling badly about oneself, people with low self-esteem can feel awkward, or incompetent, and often see rejection and disapproval even when there isn't any. We offer some practical tips on what you can do to improve your feelings of self-worth and overcome low self-esteem.
Having good self-esteem builds confidence and allows us to be our true selves. In this video, Stop Anxiety outline ten steps we can take to improve our self-esteem and feelings of self-worth.
Dr Aziz spent many years of his life as a shy, anxious person who did not like himself very much and felt inferior to the people around him. In this video he shares the philosophy that he adopted to break out of his comfort zone and transform his life.
Caroline Goyder, author of the Star Qualities, shares top tips for confidence, speaking well and making a really good impression at work.
This video examines how you can maximise your confidence in your career and feel happy and fulfilled at work.
This video investigates why some of us suffer from low self-esteem and lack confidence, and what can we do to overcome this?
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