How happy are you at work? And how can you be happier?
It can be hard to figure this out by yourself. After all, there are loads of factors that can impact happiness levels in the workplace, from job satisfaction to how well you get on with your colleagues. But we’re here to help you work it out.
And the first step to unlocking your happy is to take stock on how you’re feeling right now. So, we’ve designed an expert-led happiness assessment. It takes just a few minutes to fill out and will ask you to reflect on various aspects of your day-to-day working environment.
Once you’ve completed the assessment, you’ll receive a personalised happiness score and your very own programme packed full of brilliant advice, tips, insight and an action plan on what you need to focus on for your work wellbeing and to unlock your happy.
The results are completely confidential and totally unique to you. If you wish to discuss them with your manager or your colleagues, this is completely up to you – these are your results.