Presenting and public speaking can be daunting for some people but you don’t have to let nerves affect your performance. Explore the following resources to help you deliver a great presentation and speak with confidence.
2018-12-11T13:33:00+00:00By Communication Coach Alex Lyon
Non-verbal communication and body language play a big role in conducting a successful presentation. Communication Coach Alex Lyon outlines the key dos and don’ts for body language when giving presentations.
2018-11-12T12:41:00+00:00By Practical Psychology
If you’ve ever given a presentation before, you might know where you can improve and what your strengths are.
2018-11-12T12:40:00+00:00By Rule The Room
Many of us have a fear of public speaking and giving presentations. Jason Teteak from Rule the Room shares five steps to giving a killer presentation opening.
2018-12-10T11:04:00+00:00By TED Talks
Caroline Goyder, author and voice coach, speaks in depth about how we can find more confidence within us, if we know where to look.
2018-11-12T11:48:00+00:00By The mobile studio company
Presenting and public speaking can be a daunting and difficult task. The Mobile Studio Company share ten top tips to for making a winning presentation.
2018-12-11T13:39:00+00:00By TED Talks
TED Talks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from speakers at the TED conference.
2018-12-11T13:37:00+00:00By Communication Coach Alex Lyon
If you don’t have much experience of public speaking, these tips from Communication Coach Alex Lyon will help you improve your public speaking and presentations skills.
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