We sometimes find it difficult to make decisions in our lives, especially those decisions which we consider momentous. Making the right decision is not always obvious and the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions can be challenging. Our resources may help with that.
Decision making can often be daunting with many of us avoiding the decision often because we fear change. Brendon from Brendon.com talks through three perspectives we can use to greatly improve our decision making abilities and the chance of making the right decision.
Life constantly forces us to make very big and often very painful decisions which many of us struggle to make. In this animated video the School of Life looks at the skills needed for decision making.
Many of us struggle with hard choices, primarily because with hard choices, there is no best option. Philosopher Ruth Chang offers a new way of thinking about hard choices.
Straight-talking negotiation Guru Alan McCarthy shares ten top tips for successful negotiation in business.
Many people are hesitant to haggle in business. In this animated video, Practical Psychology shares eight simple methods to get a better deal without offending the seller.
Exclusive content from the Retail Trust
We’ll no doubt all have times when we’re required to deal with an unhappy or aggressive customer. Although it can be unsettling, here are some things you can do to reduce the impact on your own wellbeing, and that of your colleagues and other customers.
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