Loneliness is something that everyone has experienced at some point regardless of age or walk of life. Because human beings are social animals, we all need opportunities to connect to those around us. Without connection, we can start to feel low and isolated. This content looks at some of the things you can do to reconnect with others, and in doing so, improve and maintain your wellbeing.
Exclusive content from the Retail Trust
According to Age UK, more than one million people over the age of 75 say they regularly go for over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or family member. A lack of contact with others can, over time, cause someone to feel low, demotivated, or even depressed and yet there is support available.
Exclusive content from the Retail Trust
Loneliness is something everyone has experienced at some point. Even people who generally prefer their own company can feel cut-off after a period of time without being in touch with friends, colleagues and neighbours.
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