We provide support from your first day in the industry all the way through to retirement. To live on one of our five supported living estates you need to meet certain criteria.
To qualify, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Have five years’ service in the retail industry, including selling, manufacturing, wholesaling or distributing retail goods or an associated trade, or be the partner of a person with five years’ service. These five years can be from any period of your life and can be joint for couples. Service from a deceased spouse or partner can also be considered.
- Your main carer is a person who is currently employed in or retired from the retail industry. If your application is based upon a relative’s retail service then this must have been served within the last five years.
- Be retired (of state retirement age but can be slightly younger if retired early due to disability) or within one year of retiring.
- Have care and/or social, financial, medical or other supported accommodation needs.
To find out more about our supported living accommodation and community lifestyle, please get in touch.