All articles by the Retail Trust – Page 9
Understanding date rape
Whether a rape has been committed by a stranger or someone you know, it is a crime. It’s important to learn about the myths and how to keep yourself safe.
Nutritional support for developing and maintaining your emotional and physical wellbeing
Food can have a big impact on how we feel, both physically and emotionally. This tipsheet provides information on what foods contain key vitamins and minerals which can influence various aspects of our wellbeing.
Simple approaches to developing assertiveness
Assertiveness allows us to put across our needs, points of view, and our expectations without threatening the rights and views of others. One of the more common misunderstandings is that it’s the same as aggression but the two are very different. Explore the characteristics associated with assertiveness and how to become more assertive.
Stress management techniques: tips for staying well every day
When we’re in ‘a good place’ physically and emotionally, we’re more likely to address stress proactively and with a clear head. Learn about the daily stress management techniques that you can adopt to stay well.
Dealing positively with negative people
Some people in our lives may be persistently negative and nothing we say or do ever seems to make a difference. This article provides guidance on what we can do to protect ourselves from being negatively influenced by someone else’s outlook.
Everything you need to know about sleep
Sleep is just one thing that affects our physical and emotional wellbeing.This guide has been designed to give you insight into how sleep works and what you can do to improve yours. If you’re experiencing long-term sleep problems, or you’re finding that your overall health is suffering, it’s wise to speak to your GP.