All articles by the Retail Trust – Page 5
Progressive muscle relaxation
Progressive muscle relaxation, or PMR, is an easy way to find calm in an otherwise busy day. It’s simple to do, takes only 20 minutes, and can make a huge difference to your wellbeing.
Guided imagery for wellbeing
Guided imagery is a practice whereby you use all of your five senses to calm your mind and body. Benefits include the fact that it’s easy to do and can help you to maintain wellness whatever else might be happening.
Yoga to manage your wellbeing
Yoga comprises of a series of movements and postures designed to increase strength and flexibility, with an emphasis on breathing control. Learn how you can practice yoga to improve your wellbeing.
Pilates to improve your wellbeing
Pilates was created in the 1920s to help treat injured soldiers returning from WW1. Pilates offers those practicing it a range of benefits such as improving body strength and alleviating aches and pains.
Breathing for relaxation
Deep breathing is one of the best and easiest ways to reduce stress. It can be done anywhere, anytime, and is easy to learn.
Understanding your alcohol intake during COVID-19
Once established, changes in drinking patterns can lead to ingrained habits which are hard to break. Whether we’re furloughed or working from home, more and more of us are turning to alcohol to help us pass the time, or deal with the pressures of a new way of life.
What is anger?
Anger is a normal emotion and just one of the many ways in which human beings express themselves. For some people, anger becomes a default response even when it’s unwarranted. This article looks at how to control this powerful emotion before it controls you.
Controlling your anger before it controls you
It’s normal to experience feelings of anger when we feel threatened or attacked, but anger can also be a hindrance to our wellbeing and success if we find that we are unable to control it.
How to access help for your anger
Only you know if anger is making your life less enjoyable, and only you can choose to change how you express this powerful emotion. If you feel that you are controlled by anger and want to take back control, there is help and support available.
Dealing with difficult customers
We’ll no doubt all have times when we’re required to deal with an unhappy or aggressive customer. Although it can be unsettling, here are some things you can do to reduce the impact on your own wellbeing, and that of your colleagues and other customers.
Understanding eating disorders
Having an eating disorder means that you have an unhealthy relationship with food. There are many kinds of eating disorders, but with the right help and support, a return to healthier ways of eating is very possible.
The different types of eating disorders
You might eat too much or too little, be obsessed with your weight or your body shape, or you might be hypervigilant about the kinds of food you eat. Learn about the different kinds of eating disorders and how you can access the support available.
Helping a child through a bereavement
As a parent or other important adult in their life, you can’t protect a child from the inevitability of loss, but you can help them to feel safe while they process the death of someone close to them.
Dealing with a bereavement – understanding types of grief
Bereavement can be experienced differently depending on the circumstances. It’s important to understand the types of grief so that we can support ourselves as well as others.
Dealing with a bereavement – the five stages of grief
The Kübler-Ross five stages of grief model is a helpful way to understand the human response to loss. We don’t enter and leave each individual stage in a linear fashion, but go back and forth as we recover.
Dealing with a bereavement – supporting yourself and others
Losing a loved one can be an overwhelming experience, even if the death was expected. It’s not uncommon to feel like you’re living in a nightmare from which you can’t wake up. Grief is a natural part of life and with the right help, you can move forward.
What to do when someone dies
Losing someone close to us is arguably one of the most difficult experiences we can go through. Bereavement can be made even more traumatic when we don’t know what practical steps to take, or where to turn to first.
How to stop using abuse in your relationship
It can be very difficult for someone to accept that their behaviour is causing another person harm, but you can’t change what you don’tacknowledge. Find out about the help that is available.
Understanding domestic abuse
Anyone can experience abuse by their partner. Learn about the types of domestic abuse that occur, the signs to look out for and where you can find support. Telling someone that you need help could save your life.
Understanding self-harm
Self-harm describes the act of hurting oneself in order to cope with emotional pain or overwhelming situations. Learn more about the signs and how you can help someone who is self-harming.