All articles by the Retail Trust – Page 2
Respect retail 2022
Many colleagues across the UK are facing customer abuse daily. Let’s #RespectRetail and stop the intolerance epidemic.
Seven ways to stay safe in store
As the Retail Trust launches respect retail, our campaign to tackle the intolerance epidemic and protect retail workers from abusive customers, here’s how colleagues can stay safe.
Pledge your support and respect retail
Join our campaign to respect retail and stop the intolerance epidemic. Sign up to access a range of resources for your organisation.
Take five: find the right support if you’re struggling
It can be difficult to know where to turn if you’re struggling with your mental health. Cliff Lee, director of wellbeing services at the Retail Trust, explains how to get the support you need.
Take five: how to stay safe in store
Verbal abuse from customers can be frightening and stressful. Cliff Lee, director of wellbeing services at the Retail Trust, explains how to stay safe and look out for your colleagues.
Wellbeing 101: self-care and stress relief for busy people
Between demanding jobs and hectic home lives many of us feel stressed and depleted at the end of the day and struggle to make time for self-care. We asked the experts for advice on how you can make time for yourself and speedy stress-relievers for when pressure is high and time is short.
Five ways to lower stress in under five minutes
Fast in-the-moment calming techniques for when you feel your stress levels rising.
An A to Z of phobias
The following is not an exhaustive list of phobias but represent some of the more common ones.
Understanding phobias
Learn more about phobias, including the symptoms, types of phobias and treatments.
Understanding romance fraud
Romance fraud occurs when someone believes that they have met the perfect partner online, but in reality, they are in contact with someone using a fake identity for the purpose of extracting money from them. It’s thought that one in five targets of romance fraud never report their experience out of embarrassment, but there’s non-judgemental help available to anyone who has, or is, experiencing it.
Ten quick ways to lower stress levels in under five minutes
Whether you’ve just had a run-in with a tricky customer or feel rising stress just before a big meeting, there isn’t always time to implement long-term stress solutions so here are some quick and easy tactics to help you in the moment.
Understanding Burnout | Andrea Woodside
Many of us use the term burnout to describe feeling fed-up or stressed. But burnout goes well beyond that, and at its most severe can cause us to feel unable to respond to even the most basic of tasks.
Case Study
“I thought I couldn’t cope, until the Retail Trust showed me how.”
When Chris Stoddart, 43, suffered a panic attack at work, he found himself walking out – but a Retail Trust counsellor helped him find his way back.
Support from the Retail Trust
A message from the Retail Trust’s CEO Chris Brook-Carter on the Ukraine crisis.
How to cope with your feelings around the Ukraine war
The magnitude of events in Ukraine has sent shockwaves around the world and many people are feeling stress, anxiety and fear. Here are some steps to help you manage your feelings.
If you’re feeling distressed by the news in Ukraine
You don’t have to be directly affected by the recent global events to be affected. If you’re feeling particularly overwhelmed, here are some steps you can take to help.
Coping with trauma: how to find your ‘new normal’
We asked the experts, and the people who have come out of the other side, how to find the light at the end of the tunnel.
Understanding neonatal death and stillbirth
The experience of losing a child to neonatal death or stillbirth brings with it a range of emotions and practical considerations. And this kind of loss doesn’t just affect mums and dads – family, friends, and colleagues may also struggle with their own feelings, and not know what to say to the bereaved parents. There is help and support available for anyone affected by this devastating event.
Emotional support after baby loss
Whether you’ve suffered an ectopic pregnancy, a miscarriage, your baby died in the womb, or he or she died shortly after birth, you’re likely to feel a number of overwhelming emotions. Baby loss is devastating, and you deserve emotional support to help you to heal. You are not alone.
Understanding ectopic pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilised egg implants outside of the womb. Aside from being emotionally devasting to the parents, it can also be life-threatening to the mother. There are signs to look out for in early pregnancy, and it’s important to know when and how to access medical and emotional support.