All Relationship breakdowns pages

  • relationship breakdown

    Dealing with the end of your relationship

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    Whether you’re the person who has initiated the breakup and has decided to leave, or you’re the one who hasn’t had a say in the matter, the end of a significant relationship can be a heart breaking and life-changing experience. 

  • Couple sat on sofa talking to therapist

    Working through problems in your relationship

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    If you’re struggling with issues in your relationship and feel that you’ve exhausted all avenues to resolve them on your own, you might benefit from external advice and support which can help couples to explore their problems and strengthen their bond.

  • teenage girl sitting on sofa with head in her hands

    How to stop using abuse in your relationship

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    It can be very difficult for someone to accept that their behaviour is causing another person harm, but you can’t change what you don’tacknowledge. Find out about the help that is available.

  • The impact of family conflict, family relaxing in home

    The impact of family conflict

    The ProContactServices work with families to tell the stories of young people affected by family conflict. Parents always want to do what is right for their kids, but family conflict is more complicated than that and often parents don’t realise how torn children feel about family conflict.

  • Helping children through divorce

    Helping children through divorce

    Relate counsellor Paula Hall gives practical tips on how to talk to your children about separation and divorce.