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Suicide support services in the UK and ROI
Knowing where to access help is a vital part of supporting yourself or someone else who is feeling suicidal. Here is an overview of national organisations who are there to help.
Self-care – things you can do to stay well when supporting others
Supporting others can be emotionally demanding, especially if you’re not feeling in a good place yourself. It’s really important to put your own wellbeing first and look after yourself on a daily basis, especially if you’re helping someone who is feeling vulnerable. (10/11)
Supporting someone who is feeling suicidal
Compassion and kindness go a long way in helping someone to make the decision to stay alive and we all have it in us to make real difference. Here are some ways that you can help someone who feels that they’ve run out of options.
Coping with traumatic events
A traumatic event is defined as any incident which causes someone to suffer physical, emotional or psychological harm. Whether it happens to you directly, or you witness a traumatic event, the effects can be long-lasting without the right kind of support.
Managing violence in stores
There will be times during our careers when we’re required to deal with an unhappy or aggressive customer. On occasion these interactions will result in violence against you or one of your colleagues. Learn how you can manage the risks.
Understanding common responses to an incident
A critical incident can be any situation in which you experience either a threat to your own life or physical safety, or have been affected by the death or injury of another. Learn about the common responses you may go through.
How to stop using abuse in your relationship
It can be very difficult for someone to accept that their behaviour is causing another person harm, but you can’t change what you don’tacknowledge. Find out about the help that is available.
Understanding domestic abuse
Anyone can experience abuse by their partner. Learn about the types of domestic abuse that occur, the signs to look out for and where you can find support. Telling someone that you need help could save your life.
Understanding post-traumatic stress disorder
Find out more about the symptoms, causes and treatments of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (c-PTSD)