Leadership programme

We all want to be good leaders and managers, right? But how do you provide the support your people need, without becoming too involved in their issues?

Get in touch


Our 12-month leadership training programme will give you the skills, knowledge and competence to manage wellbeing conversations before your people reach crisis point. Helping them to lead happier, healthier lives, improving productivity and reducing time off work.

Alongside the following training sessions, the programme will also include bi-monthly roundtables which provide a space for reflection, and regular insights with course-specific content and key takeaways. Once you complete the programme, you’ll receive a Retail Trust certification.



“We offered the wellbeing course to our board, all of our managers, and a selection of our senior leaders in our support centre. It was fantastic working alongside the team at the Retail Trust, as they have such experience and knowledge of their topic. This really does make all the difference when it comes to the trust and confidence we need to put in someone to deliver training such as this. Our managers and leaders gave overwhelmingly positive feedback on the course. It really opened their eyes to some of the issues that our colleagues might be facing – and gave them some useful tools that allow them to deal with situations sensitively while not backing away from the issues.” The Works

Programme overview

Programme overview@300x

Topics covered

Taking stock of wellbeing

Our CPD-accredited course has been created specifically to encourage your leaders and line managers to respond to struggling colleagues in a proactive and compassionate way while managing performance effectively.

What it covers

The course helps leaders understand and respond to the current wellbeing themes in retail, avoid taking the accidental counsellor role, signpost effectively, and look after their own wellbeing, while supporting others.

Did you know? According to the Retail Trust’s health of retail report 2023, 83% of line managers working in our sector would value more training to support their team members’ emotional wellbeing, with a significant number telling us that their team members are becoming increasingly reliant on them to plug the gap in national health services – leaving them feeling exposed and stressed.


Supporting menopause in the workplace

Our CPD-accredited course helps leaders and line managers understand how to support someone who is coping with the menopause, and how organisations can respond to this very natural part of women’s lives.

What it covers

Participants will learn how to demystify the menopause and explore some of the challenges it presents in the retail sector. We examine what best practice support looks like in the workplace, and simple adjustments retailers can make to reduce the chances that menopause-related performance problems and absence will occur.

Did you know? According to a 2022 UK Parliamentary Committee Report, women experiencing at least one problematic perimenopausal symptom are 43% more likely to leave their job by the age of 55.

By attending this course, delegates will discover:

  • Why the menopause is everyone’s business.
  • What the menopause is and how it can affect presenteeism, absence and performance at work.
  • How to gain the confidence to have a supportive conversation with an affected colleague.
  • How, when and where to signpost colleagues for maximum effect.

Suicide awareness and response

Our CPD-accredited course is designed to help leaders identify the signs when a colleague is experiencing suicidal thoughts. So, they can respond confidently, effectively and compassionately.

Did you know? One in five people have considered ending their lives, but suicide remains one of the last taboos in the workplace. With early intervention and support, suicide can be prevented.

What it covers

By attending this course, participants will discover:

  • The prevalence of suicide in the UK, Ireland and globally.
  • Why people take their own lives.
  • The importance of the right language in suicide prevention.
  • How to have a compassionate, non-judgemental conversation with a colleague who is expressing suicidal feelings, and know what to do in a crisis situation.
  • How and where to signpost colleagues who express suicidal feelings.
  • How to look after your own wellbeing when supporting others.

Understanding and responding to domestic abuse

Our CPD-accredited course explores why domestic abuse is everyone’s business and how retailers especially can help colleagues to stay as safe as possible. By talking about domestic abuse, its power is reduced and action can be taken.

Did you know? Domestic abuse costs the UK economy an estimated £23 billion a year, but the human cost cannot be overestimated. And it’s more common than you might think: 28% of women and 16% of men will experience domestic abuse at some point during their lifetime.

What it covers

By attending this course, delegates will discover:

  • What domestic abuse is and the cost to your business.
  • How the retail sector specifically is affected by domestic abuse.
  • What your role is in relation to disclosures of domestic abuse by colleagues.
  • How to maintain professional and personal boundaries while supporting others.
  • How, when and where to signpost colleagues for maximum effect.

You can’t heal from a burn by staying in the fire: tools for testing times

Our CPD-accredited course explores how we can all improve our emotional and psychological wellbeing by taking simple steps to protect it, no matter what is happening around us.

What it covers

Introducing key tools such as the 3Ps of Resilience, the Circle of Influence, and other models you can use every day, both at work and at home. You’ll feel better prepared to stay well, whatever life throws at you.


Find out how our courses can help you create a happier, healthier culture.