Wellbeing warriors

Our CPD-accredited course has been designed specifically to help retailers benefit from having expertly trained wellbeing warriors in-house. People who can support colleagues experiencing difficult times.


What it covers

Designed and delivered by retailers, for retailers, our end-to-end solution starts by helping to recruit your wellbeing warriors. Participants then learn how to respond with compassion to critical situations by having structured, more effective wellbeing conversations. They will also master how to hold their own professional and personal boundaries, including when and how to signpost the right help.

How it works

The programme kicks off with face-to-face training over two consecutive days. Followed by quarterly online roundtables – a safe and confidential space for wellbeing warriors to discuss challenges, explore best practice, and be aware of the upcoming trends for wellbeing in retail.

The Retail Trust’s experts will be on hand to provide ongoing support – regular engagement and clinical safety are paramount to the success of a sustainable wellbeing warrior programme.

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