All Dealing with domestic abuse pages
Domestic abuse support services
Organisations that can provide a variety of practical, emotional and financial help.
Six relationship red flags to look out for (and how to deal with them)
Domestic abuse doesn’t just involve physical violence. If you’re worried about your relationship, here are some of the signs of emotional abuse to look out for.
It’s time to come together and tackle domestic abuse.
Employers don’t just have a responsibility to look out for their employees’ wellbeing while they’re at work. To support businesses who want to make a difference, our retail industry against domestic abuse (RIADA) campaign brings together retailers who are pushing for change within the industry.
Be the difference: how retailers tackle domestic abuse
The retailer’s against domestic abuse coalition is helping businesses take their crucial first steps towards protecting their colleagues from domestic abuse.
Stay safe series: stalking
What constitutes stalking? And what to you do if you think it’s happening to you or a colleague.
Stay safe series: personal safety
From lone working instore to solo visits to clients, here are some tips to help keep you safe.
Stay safe series: getting home
Whether you’re working late or travelling to see friends, read our helpful advice for when you’re out and about.
Nine warning signs that a colleague may be experiencing domestic abuse
The signs can be less obvious that you might think – but knowing what to look for could save a colleague’s life.
Accessing support to escape domestic abuse
The Retail Trust works with the Domestic Abuse (DA) Alliance to provide access to free legal advice and support to those living with domestic abuse.
How to stop using abuse in your relationship
It can be very difficult for someone to accept that their behaviour is causing another person harm, but you can’t change what you don’tacknowledge. Find out about the help that is available.
Understanding domestic abuse
Anyone can experience abuse by their partner. Learn about the types of domestic abuse that occur, the signs to look out for and where you can find support. Telling someone that you need help could save your life.
Understanding date rape
Whether a rape has been committed by a stranger or someone you know, it is a crime. It’s important to learn about the myths and how to keep yourself safe.
Financial support to escape domestic abuse
We offer non-repayable financial aid to help alleviate the financial challenges associated with escaping domestic violence.