All Customer resources pages
Happiness assessment resources
Download the following materials to share the happiness assessment with your colleagues, empowering them to unlock their happy.
Work-life balance resources
The Retail Trust offers a range of resources to help your employees to achieve that all important work-life balance.
Winter wellness resources
Practical tips and expert advice to help you sail through the festive season and make this your happiest, healthiest winter yet.
Domestic abuse resources
Signs to look out for and guidance to support colleagues who are experiencing domestic abuse.
Social media resources
Reset your relationship with social media to boost your wellbeing.
Summer wellbeing resources
Whether you’re spending time outdoors, trying a new wellbeing trend or connecting with family and friends, make this your healthiest summer yet.
Respect retail 2023
90% of retail workers told us that they have experienced abuse from customers. These are their stories.
Women’s health resources
A few simple tweaks and quick checks added to your routine can help you to be the healthiest version of you. The Retail Trust offers a range of resources to help you support your colleagues.
Financial health resources
From sleepless nights to stress, worrying about money can have a huge impact on our mental health. The Retail Trust offers a range of resources to help you support your colleagues.
Understanding mental health resources
We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health, and it can ebb and flow throughout our lives. The Retail Trust offers a range of resources to help you support your colleagues.
Resilience resources
Resilience is one of those words we hear a lot. But what exactly is it? Does everyone have it? Can you get more of it? The Retail Trust offers a range of resources to help you support your colleagues.
Family wellbeing resources
Help your employees and their families with resources to support family wellbeing.
“We’ll come back for you”
Store manager David has been punched and threatened by customers which weighs down on David’s mental health, upsets David’s family and impacts colleagues. Let’s respect retail and stop the intolerance epidemic.
“Why don’t you get a proper job?”
Delivery driver Ian regularly experiences verbal and physical abuse from customers which is making his role dangerous. Let’s respect retail and stop the intolerance epidemic.
“You’re useless”
Checkout supervisor Jane has been threatened by customers and called names, causing Jane to feel anxious going to work. Let’s respect retail and stop the intolerance epidemic.
“You’re an idiot who can’t do your job”
Fashion retail assistant Kate experiences customer abuse on a daily basis which is having a detrimental impact on Kate’s mental health and making life miserable. Let’s respect retail and stop the intolerance epidemic.
A nation of shopkeepers
We are shining a light on retail colleagues and the vital role the Retail Trust plays in supporting their mental health and wellbeing.
Respect retail 2022
Many colleagues across the UK are facing customer abuse daily. Let’s #RespectRetail and stop the intolerance epidemic.
Pledge your support and respect retail
Join our campaign to respect retail and stop the intolerance epidemic. Sign up to access a range of resources for your organisation.